Cashing in on the royal nuptials On the 29th of April the British will be celebrating what looks set to be one of the country’s...
When the dead push out the living The UK is a crowded place, but like in most other countries the dead outnumber the living. Now burial...
Can technology save bikers’ lives? Riding a motorbike can be fun, but also very dangerous. In Europe alone, nearly 18 percent of all road...
The deadly txt Hands up all of you who’ve texted while walking along the pavement. How about while you’re stuck in traffic?...
Huge Koran goes digital One of the world’s most important and largest Korans is finally becoming accessible to Islamic scholars everywhere, after being...
The Manchester dinosaur detectives A new TV series aims to disclose unknown secrets of the lives of dinosaurs – by using modern forensic...
“Norwegian of the year” deported to Russia A young Russian woman who captured the hearts of many Norwegians with a book about her life as a...
End of net neutrality? One of the founding principles of the Internet is that everyone should be able to access everything. Now critics...
Norwegian Xmas Food Trouble Norwegian Christmas dinner traditions are geographically determined. People living along the south-west coast are somewhat hardened culinarily after being...
The other United When the American Glazer family bought Manchester United with borrowed money and landed the football club in huge debts,...